An-Nubuwwah: Journal of Islamic Studies is a Scientific Journal published in full online using the Open Journal System since 2022. An-Nubuwwah: Journal of Islamic Studies is published by the Islamic Institute Muhammadiyah of Kotamobagu, Indonesia with ISSN 3031-7606. The journal publishes research articles, conceptual articles, reports on field studies, and book reviews of Islamic studies. The presence of this journal is intended to respond to the debate on academic issues related to Islamic studies, such as the field of Islamic Education, Islamic Thoughts, Islamic Literature, Islamic Communication, History and Islamic Civilization, Al-Quran and Hadith, Fiqh and Islamic Law, Islam and Gender, Modernity, and Language. Articles are published twice in one year, in June and December.
An-Nubuwwah: Journal of Islamic Studies
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Current Issue
Vol. 3 No. 2 (2024): An-Nubuwwah: Journal of Islamic Studies
We are very pleased to present An-Nubuwwah: Journal of Islamic Studies Volume 3, Number 2, July-December 2024. This issue mainly consists of a good mix of selected papers discussing several interesting topics covering the Fiqh and Islamic Law and more.
Published: 2024-12-31